Compose Yourself: Fun with Functions

Scott Sauyet

Javascript is the love-child of Self and Scheme

We're going to ignore the OO stuff altogether and focus on one application of first-class functions.

New Functions From Old!

Functional Composition chains together functions to create a new function.


There are many ways to create compose functions. We'll examine a few of them.

We will glance at the implementations, but mostly focus on the APIs presented by these techniques.

Our Test Functions

We will use these functions for our tests throughout:

Question: What value will this code yield?

Mathematical Composition

In mathematics f ∘ g (pronounced "f composed with g") is the function that given x, returns f(g(x)).

So if we follow the mathematical model compose(add1, square)(x) should equal add1(square(x)).

Simplest Implementation

Several flaws

This naive implementation has at least two flaws:

But it's simple to fix those:

Prototype Manipulation

We can make composition a property of all functions by modifying the Function prototype.


This example doesn't work in this presentation sandbox, but will work in browser. It can be demoed in the console.

There are those who will tell you not to alter the native prototypes, and perhaps they have good points, but ...

what I think is funny about JS is that everyone told you not to pollute native prototypes while most of recent standards come from who did!

Multiple functions

It's easy enough to extend this to multiple functions:

This is very similar to Underscore's code.

We could do this with the prototype version as well, although that might feel strange.

Argument Types

Our examples have used functions that returned the same type they accepted. This is not important. The essential feature is that each function accept the same type its predecessor generated:


Coding is not Mathematics

Reading these from right-to-left is... odd. There are several options:

We'll look at some ways of doing this next.

Variadic composition through multiple invocations

This API makes it more obvious that the functions should be read from left-to-right:



Explicit ordering

We can make the ordering of functions entirely explict:

This API makes a miniature DSL out of functional composition, always starting with "first", followed by any number of "then", "andThen", or "next" clauses, optionally concluding with "finally", "last", or "andFinally".

It is more verbose, but is extremely explicit.

Explicit Ordering Implementation



Operator Overloading

What if we overloaded the right-shift operator?

This doesn't work in this presentation sandbox, but will work in browser. It can be demoed in the console.

Operator overloading in JS? WTF?.

Fake it until you make it!

Fake Operator Overloading Implementation


This doesn't work in this presentation sandbox, but will work in browser. It can be demoed in the console.

Not for real-world usage

This is just a fun exercise to show what can be done. Please don't try this at home!



To mathematicians, functional composition is a simple concept. Translating it into code can lead to some interesting and complex API decisions.

There is clearly no right answer. Except for the operator overloading one, every one of those implementations has a claim to be the one you might choose.

And that's it except for ...

The Obligatory Compose Joke

silly joke



