I didn't end up using this, but it was meant as a demo for a [question on talk.tiddlywiki.org][qu]. It shows, through a few steps of creating a wiki, that [tobibeer's `excerpt` macro][ex] does not duplicate the data stored in the wiki but only renders it multiple times. This table shows an empty wiki, another one with some Lorem Ipsum tiddlers, a third one that adds excerpt macro calls to the text, and a fourth that adds two tiddlers with lists of excerpts. There are 17665 bytes displayed in those two tiddlers, but the wiki size only increases 502 bytes -- the size of two fairly simple tiddlers. | File | Size | Diff | |-------------------------------|-----------|--------:| | [empty.html][emp] | 2,558,231 | - | | [withExcerptText.html][et] | 2,574,992 | +16,761 | | [withExcerptsMarked.html][em] | 2,575,663 | +671 | | [withExcerptsShown.html][es] | 2,576,165 | +502 | [em]: ./withExcerptsMarked.html [emp]: ./empty.html [es]: ./withExcerptsShown.html [et]: ./withExcerptText.html [ex]: https://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Text%20Excerpts [qu]: https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/excerpting-sections-of-text/10507