Parse Float Comparison

A discussion in a comp.lang.javascript thread is attempting to find a reasonable way to convert non-integer strings to numbers using bases other than 10. I've posted a number of separate comparisons of the various functions. This page just serves as a link to those versions.

Version Description
2010-07-19 (Source) Current version. Updates all functions from John Stockton, and adds the ability to link to a website rather than a c.l.js thread. It also allows the algorithms to have some simple annotations.
2010-06-29 (Source) Adds a new function from John Stockton that attempts to be clear and definitive even if it is not the most efficient.
2010-06-21 (b) (Source) Adds new functions from Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux and Scott Sauyet. Also adds navigation links to the top.
2010-06-21 (a) (Source) Rearranges the furniture, moving the results below the input area rather than alongside it.
2010-06-19 (Source) Adds new function from Jorge Chamorro. Also adds the result of Number.toString() for the object as well as the round-trip done in earlier version, and fixes a minor bug in one of Dr. Stockton's functions.
2010-06-18 (Source) Adds an additional function from John Stockton
2010-06-03 (b) (Source) Adds a new function from John Stockton and an additional example.
2010-06-03 (a) (Source) Initital Version. Includes functions from Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, Jorge Chamorro, and Scott Sauyet. Has just two examples built in.